Thursday, March 13, 2008

Parable of the Garden

Going into the gallery, I don't feel that I really knew a lot about Iranian art. Now that I think about it, I don't think I ever really thought there were people making art there very much as digital art. I think a guided tour by the curator of the gallery was helpful to my understand of the work. Not knowing much about Iran, her guidance helped me to understand the cultural undertones of the work. The one piece that really sticks out in my mind would have to be the one entitled Happy Meal. Happy Meal is an important piece because its length and portrayal of the the main character allows the the viewer to forget that they are watching someone with a veil, but rather that they are watching a child. I also liked that she has to struggle to open her toy due to her veiling because it speaks to the struggles, what ever they may be. Although I still do not know much a whole lot about Iranian culture, I feel that this exhibition helped me to better understand the people and their culture.

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