Sunday, April 20, 2008

Collabrative Project

Jeffery Shaw and Bruce Nauman

Boundaries and Limits: An Exploration of Space within the Digital World

The aim of this exhibition is to bring light to a new way of viewing artists Jeffrey Shaw and Bruce Nauman and how they deal with the relationship between the physical and digital world. As the curators of this exhibition we were interested in the idea that these digital artists were compelled to create artwork that exists within the actual world (which is limited by forces of natural law) by using a boundless medium. We hope that the exhibition by the nature of the work will engage the viewer to interact with it and in doing so will bridge the digital and physical world. Through engagement, the viewer becomes the actual bridge between the two worlds. Without such a bridge, there would be no connection between the two; therefore the person engaging in the artwork is vital to the piece. Without the viewer, the two worlds would never meet and the piece would never be complete. For this reason, we have found that much of both Nauman’s and Shaw’s work forces the viewer to interact and in doing so inhabits both worlds while becoming a temporary part of the artwork.

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